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Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025

Man arrested for allegedly killing 16 dogs in central Vietnam

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By Dzung Trieu lawfirm

Police in Da Nang has arrested the second suspect in the stealing of 16 dogs in April.

A photo supplied by police of Quang Nam Province shows the stolen dogs transported in a car on April 29, 2016. Photo credit: Nguoi Lao Dong

A photo supplied by police of Quang Nam Province shows the stolen dogs transported in a car on April 29, 2016. Photo credit: Nguoi Lao Dong

Trinh Ngoc Thai Binh, 44, has been handed over to the police of Quang Nam Province, who are investigating the case.
The first suspect, Nguyen Van Vinh, was arrested early on April 29 when forest rangers of Quang Nam pulled over a “suspicious” car and found it was carrying 16 dead dogs.
Vinh, 23, told the police that he and Binh had used a stun gun to kill the dogs in Dong Giang Dist., Quang Nam, the previous night.
When Vinh’s car was stopped, Binh, who was riding a motorbike, managed to escape.
According to the police, Binh, who had been convicted once for dog theft, admitted to stealing the dogs.

Dog theft, which is driven by the unregulated dog meat trade, remains a problem in Vietnam.

Source Thanhnien News

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