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Socio - economic in 1st quarter of 2011

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(31/03/2011-08:33:00 AM)    
The country’ socio-economy in the first Quarter of 2011 has been happening in a difficult and challenging background. The achievements of all sectors in this quarter are shown below:
1. Gross Domestic Products (GDP) Growth
GDP in the quarter was estimated increasing by 5.43% as compared to the same period in 2010, of which the sector of agriculture, forestry and fishery was up by 2.05%, the industry and construction by 5.47% and the service by 6.28%. Of the economy’s general growth, theagriculture, forestry and fishery contributed 0.24 point percent, the industry and construction 2.36 points percent and the service 2.83 points percent.
2. Agriculture, forestry and fishery
The production value of this sector at 1994 constant prices in the quarter was estimated reaching 49.5 trillion dongs, increasing by 3.5% as against the same period last year, of which the agriculture gained 37 trillion dongs, up by 3.2%, the forestry 1.5 trillion dongs, up by 4.0% and the fishery 11 trillion dongs, up by 4.3%.
a. Agriculture
As of 15/3/2011 the country has had 3,073,100 ha of winter-spring rice cultivated, equal 100.7%to the same period last year, of which provinces in the North completed 1,094,800 ha, equal to 99.7%; provinces in the South gained 1,978,300 ha, equal to101.3%. Also at this point, provinces in the South harvested 1,016,300 ha of winter-spring rice, equal to 112.8%, of which the Mekong Delta reaped 991,800 ha, accounted for 61.7% of the cultivated area and equal to 110.7% as against the same period last year. According to preliminary report, winter-spring rice productivity for the whole region reached 6,56 kg/ha; the yield reached 10.3 million tons, which was approximate to that in the same crop last year.
Together with winter-spring rice cultivation, as of mid March, 353,700 ha of maize; 83,500 ha of sweet potato, 102,700 ha of soybean, 165,500 ha of peanut, and 405,900 ha of vegetables were cultivated over the country, equal to 95.8%, 106.9%, 92%, 111.8% and 110.7% respectively as against the same period last year.
The flock of buffalos, oxen and pigs in the quarter was estimated to slightly decrease, the flock of  poultry increased by about over 7% as it was not much influenced by the weather and epidemic disease as against the same period last year.
b. Forestry
The plan of new forestation since the beginning of the year has met difficulties due to the impact of weather. The total concentrated forest area in the quarter over the country was estimatedreaching 23,000 ha, equal to 85.8% as against the same period last year; area under cultivation was 135,000 ha, up by 5.5%; decentralized planted trees were 60.3 million, up by 1.0%; wood production  was 956,500 m3, up by 6.4%; firewood production  was 7,030,500 ste., up by 2.5%.
Burnt and deforested area was  96.7 ha, of which 49.9 ha were burnt and 46.8 ha destroyed.
c. Fishery
The total estimated fishing production in the quarter was estimated reaching 1,101,100 tons, up by 3.1% against the same period last year, of which there were 832,400 tons of fish, up by 3.0%; 98,500 tons of shrimp, up by 6.0%. The aquaculture production in the three first months was estimated reaching 486,300 tons, up by 5.1%, of which there were 362,100 tons of fish, up by 4.8% and 71,100 tons of shrimp, up by 7.2%. Catfish production reached 230,000 tons up by 6% as against the same period last year. Catching production in the quarter was estimated reaching  614,800 tons up by 1.7% as against the same period in 2010, of which sea catching gained 570,000 tons up by 1.8%.
3. Industry
The industrial production value in the first quarter this year was estimated increasing by 14.1% against the same period last year, of which the state sector grew by 5.5%, the non-state sector by 16.6% and the FDI sector by 16.3%. Among the three I level industries, production value of the manufacturing increased by 15.1%, the electricity, gas and water supply by 9.2% and the mining by 1.9% as against the same period last year. The yield of many main industrial items in the quarter of this year was higher than that in the same period last year.
The consumption indexes for processed and manufactured products in the two first months of this year increased by 18.5% as compared to the same period last year. In-stock indexes of the processing and manufacturing sector as of 01/3/2011 increased by 19.8% against the same period last year.
4. Service
a. Total retailed sales of consumer goods and services
Generally in the 1st quarter this year, total retailed sales of consumer goods and services increased by 22.6% against the same period last year, if the factor of high price was excludedthe growth was 8.7%.Of the total, the trade increased by 22.6% , the hotel and restaurant by 24.7%, the service by 19.5% and the tourism by 23.2%.
b. Carriage of passengers and cargos
Passenger carriage in the quarter was estimated increasing 13.4% by volume carried and 14.0% by volume traffic carried against the same period last year, of which land transport increased by 14.1% and 14.0%; river transport by 5.3% and 7.8%; rail transport decreased by 0.9% and 3.1%; air transport was up by16.9% and 17.7% respectively.
The volume of cargos carried in this quarter was estimated increasing 9.9% by tons and 1.8% by tons-kilometers against the same period last year, of which the domestic transport increased by 12.1% and 8.7%; the overseas transport by 5.4% and decreased by 3.2% respectively. Land transport was estimated increasing 13,1% by tons and 10.1% by tons-kilometers, river transport  decreased 0.1% and increased 1.6%; sea transport  decreased 2.4% and 0.3%; rail transport decreased 8.2% and 1.1% respectively.
c. Communication
The number of new telephone subscribers in this quarter reached 3,000,000, equal to 29.4% against the same period in 2010, including 23,800 desk telephone subscribers equal to 3.7% and 2.98 million mobile phone subscribers  equal to 31.2%. The number of telephone subscribers over the country to end of 3/2011 was estimated reaching 174.1 million up by 28.2% against the same period in 2010, including 16.5 million desk telephone subscribers up by 1.1% and 157.6 million mobile phone subscribers up by 31.9%.
The number of internet subscribers over the country as of end of 1st quarter of 2011 was estimated reaching 3.8 million up by 19.2% against the same period last year. The number of internet users as of end of 3/2011 was estimated reaching 29 million up by 22.9% against the same period in2010. The total postal and communicational service net income in this quarter was estimated reaching 29.2 trillion dongs up by 14.0% against the same period last year.
d. International visitors to Viet Nam
International visitors to Vietnam  in 1st quarter this year were estimated reaching 1,511,500 up by 11.9% against the same period last year. Of which,visitors coming for tourist purposes were 893,700 up by 5.5%; for business purposes 249,200 down by 6.2%; for visiting relatives  271,500 up by 59.7%.
1. Investment and development
The quarter’s social realized investment capital at current prices was estimated reaching 171.5 trillion dongs up by 14.7% against the same period in 2010, including 76.4 trillion dongs from the state sector accounted for 44.5% of the total and increased by 15.2%; the non-state sector: 45.6 trillion dongs accounted for 26.6% and up by 28.5%; the FDI sector 49.5 trillion dongs accounted for 28.9% and up by 3.8%.
Of the state investment, the realized investment capital from the state budget was estimated reaching 38.9 trillion dongs up by 19.6% against the same period last year, including 8.148 trillion dongs from the central fund, up by15.2%; and 30.732 trillion dongs from the local fund up by 20.9%.
The attracted FDI from 1/1 to 22/3/2011 reached  US$ 2,371.7 million equal to 66.9% against the same period in 2010. Of which, the registered capital of 173 newly licensed projects was  2,037.6 million USD (slowed down 35.2% by capital and 41.4% by number of projects as compared to the same period last year); the additional registered capital of 37 times of projects licensed from previous years was 334.1 million USD. Realized FDI in 1st quarter this year was estimated reaching 2,540 million USD, increasing by 1.6% against the same period in 2010.
There were 20 provinces/cities having newly licensed projects in this quarter.
2. Government revenues and expenditures
As estimated, total Government revenues from beginning of the year to 15/3/2011 was equal to 21.2% of the yearly estimate, of which domestic revenues accounted for 22.3%; revenues from crude oil 21.4%; revenues from import-export 18%. Of the domestic revenues, collecting from state enterprises was equal to 23.2%; from FDI enterprises (excluding crude oil) 20.3 from non-state industrial, commercial and service taxes 22.6%; taxes imposed on high-income persons21.5%; petroleum fees 19.2%; and other fees 14.4%.
As estimated, total Government expenditures from beginning of the year to 15/3/2011 was equal to 18.9% of the yearly estimate, of which spending for investment and development accounted for21.4%; for economic and social development, national defense and security 19.8%; for paying debts and aids 19.5%.
3. Export and import of goods and services
a. Exports
This quarter’s export turnover was estimated reaching 19.2 billion USD, up by 33.7% against the same period in 2010, of which the domestic economic sector gained 8.8 billion USD up by 40.1%; the FDI sector (including crude oil)10.4 billion USD  up by 28.7%. The high growth of 1st quarter’s export turnover on one side was due to incresed volume of exported goods, and high unit prices of some exported items on the other side.
In the two first months of this year, the United States was still the largest market for Vietnamese exports with 2.1 billion USD turnover, taking 16.9% of total export turnover and increasing by 15.7% against the same period last year, followed by ASEAN with 1.7 billion USD up by 15.6%, China with 1.3 billion USD up by 60.9% and Japan with 1.2 billion USD up by 17.5%.
b. Imports
This quarter’s import turnover was estimated reaching 22.3 billion USD, increasing by 23.8% against the same period in 2010, of which the domestic economic sector gained 12.8 billion USD up by 20.7%, and the FDI sector with 9.5 billion USD up by 28.4%.
Similar to export turnover, the growth of 1st quarter’s import turnover was due to increases in both imported volume and price in the world market. If the factor of price rise was excluded, the quarter’s import turnover increased by 14.7% against the same period last year.
For the import market, China continued to be the largest market with import turnover in the two first months of the year of 3.1 billion USD up by 25%, ASEAN with 2.7 billion USD up by 22%; EU with 935 million USD up by 5.3%; Japan with 1.4 billion USD up by 25% and the United States with 605 million USD up by 30% against the same period last year.
This quarter’s trade deficit was 3 billion USD, equal to 15.7% of the total export turnover.
4. Price indexes
a. Consumer Price Indexes (CPI)
March’s CPI increased by 2.17%  against the previous month. Two of groups of goods and services  having much higher CPI than the general rate were: transport with 6.69% rise and housing and construction materials with 3.67% rise. Other groups having lower rise than the general but higher than 1% were: catering and related services 1.98% (grain food increased by 2.18%, foodstuff by 1.57%, and outdoor eating and drinking by 3.06%); family appliances 1.22%. Remaining groups with CPI equal or below 1% included textile, hats and footwear 1.0%; culture, entertainment and tourist 0.98%; education 0.9%; drinks and tobacco 0.88%; medicines and health service 0.71%; postal and communication service 0.02%.
March’s CPI increased by  6.12% against 12/2010 and 13.89% against the same period last year. First quarter’s average CPI  increased by 12.79% as compared to that in the same period in 2010.
b. Gold and US$ indexes
March’s gold index increased by 5.0% against the previous month, by 4.58% against 12/2010, and by 41.27% against the same period last year. March’s US$ index increased by 3.06% against the previous month, by 3.70% against 12/2010 and by 12.05% against the same period last year.
c. Producer Price Indexes(PPI)
PPI for agriculture, forestry and fishery in 1st quarter increased by 9.69% against the previous quarter and by 23.12% against the same period in 2010. Industrial PPI increased by 5.05% against the previous quarter and by 14.9% against the same period in 2010. Price indexes for materials used for production in 1st quarter increased by 5.91% against the previous quarter and by 15.23% against the same period in 2010. Export price indexes increased by 4.48% against the previous quarter and by 9.89% against the same period in 2010. Import price indexes increased by 3.38% against the previous quarter and by 7.99% against the same period last year. Carriage indexes increased by 5,86 against the previous quarter and by 11.47% against the same period in 2010.
III.  Social issues
1. Farmers’ food shortage
According to local preliminary reports, in the first three months of the year, the country had300,970 times of households with 1,230,000 times of members suffered from food shortage. To over come this problem, all organisations and agencies over the country since beginning of the year have supported hunger families about 13,000 tons of food and over 2.3 billion dongs.
2. Education and training
a.  Education
According to preliminary report, at the time of opening  2010-2011 school year, the country had 12,678 pre-schools, increasing 413 schools against the last school year; 15,242 primary schools, increasing 70 schools; 10,132 junior secondary schools, up 68 schools and 2,289 senior secondary schools, up 22 schools. Total teachers for the three educational levels were 820,400, up by 0.2% against the last school year, including 359,700 primary teachers up by 1.3%; 313,100 junior secondary teachers, down by 1.3% and 147,600 senior secondary teachers up by 0.9%. There was not much change in the number of pupils as compared to 2009 – 2010 school year with 6.9 million primary pupils; 5 million junior secondary pupils and 2.8 million senior secondary pupils.
b. Training
In 2010-2011 school year, the country had 414 universities and colleges up by 2.7% against 2009-2010 school year. There were 71,500 university/college teachers, up by 2.7% against the last school year. Total university/college students were at an estimate of over 2 million up by 4.4%. Graduated students from  2010-2011school year were about 290,000 up by 17.5% against the last school year, of which students in the public system accounted for 87%.
Localities continued to pay much attention to investing in the vocational training. The plan of vocational training schools and centers for 2011 was to enroll 1.9 million times of students, including 420,000 students for high and secondary vocational schools; 1,440,000 times of students for primary and regular vocational training centers.
3. Epidemic diseases and food poisoning
According to preliminary report, in the first three months of the year, the country had 274 cases of A (H1N1) (5 died); 8,400 cases of hemorrhagic fever (6 died); 1,500 cases of viral hepatitis ; 64 cases of typhoid and there was no cases found infected with A (H5N1). In March 2011, there were additional 699 cases found infected with HIV, taking the number of HIV infected cases over the country from the first case found to 235,100 persons, of which 94,200 turned to AIDS and 49,800 persons died of AIDS. There occurred  17 cases of food poisoning in the three months over the country, poisoned 1,401 persons, of which 4 persons died.
4. Traffic accidents
Generally in the first two months of the year, the country had 2,467 cases of traffic accident, killing 2,074 persons and injuring1,942 others. As compared to the same period in 2010, cases of traffic accident decreased by 2.4%, the death by 0.4% and the injured by 2.1%. On average, each day in the two first months, the country had42 cases of traffic accident, killing 35 persons and injuring33 others.
5. Natural calamity
Continuously occurred natural calamity in the first three months of the  has made over 28,000 ha of rice and rice seed died of cold; 1,400 tons of rice seed damaged; 1,500 ha of vegetables heavily flooded and damaged; over 68,000 animals died. Total losses caused by natural calamity were estimated at over 849 billion dongs./.

General Statistics Office, Ministry of Planning and Investmen (

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