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Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025

US wishes to become top investor in Vietnam

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By Dzung Trieu law firm

The US has seen an increasing number of US groups operating efficiently in Vietnam, said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a meeting with the Vietnam-US Business Community in Hanoi on July 10.

Ms Hillary promised to further boost bilateral trade ties as the US is the leading foreign investor in Vietnam with a total FDI amount of nearly US$15 billion in 2009.

The US has chosen Vietnam as one of top five emerging markets to fulfill its target for doubling export value in 2015, she said.

Ms Hillary expressed her hope that negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement will be completed later this year, opening more opportunities for businesses from the two countries. She affirmed that the US will help train high qualified human resources for Vietnam.

At the meeting, Ms Hillary and Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Phuong Nga witnessed the signing of an agreement between General Electric (GE) and the National Power Transmission Corporation (NPT), under which GE will supply a capacitor system for 500kv Pleiku-Phu Lam electric line.

GE’s CEO in ASEAN, Stuart Dean, said GE always supports ASEAN countries in meeting their national power demand and increasing their competitiveness in industry and production.

This was the second time GE directly signed an agreement with NPT.

Earlier, Ms Hillary Clinton visited Hanoi Foreign Trade University (FTU) to mark the 20th anniversary of Fulbright Scholarship in Vietnam.

She told more than 200 former Fulbright fellows and FTU students in attendance that she was very happy to return to Vietnam. She first visited the country in 2000.

Source: VOV

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