(Zdung Trieu law firm)_ Historical and scientific evidences rejecting China’s claim and proving Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands, by Han Nguyen Nguyen Nha, History Ph.D
The South China Sea disputes have lasted for 40 years. But in the recent months, those disputes have been escalated suddenly because of China’s initiatives claiming its sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly islands. China has produced a series of proofs to claim its national interest in the South China Sea. Some of the South East Asia nations, including Vietnam, have made no concession to China.
The study of the author points out the historical and scientific evidences from both Vietnam and China in order to prove that the arguments that China use to claim their sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly were unfounded. With the historical method, the author demonstrates that through all of history periods, Vietnam’s sovereignty was definitely proved and all arguments of China were extremely inaccurate.
The study is divided into two parts: Historical evidences (in both Vietnam and China history), scientific basis to reject China’s claims including the Chinese “U-shaped” line map which was submitted to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf of United Nations. The author hopes that it would bring a bright future in solving Vietnamese-Chinese territorial dispute in the South China Sea.