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Friday, 07 Mar 2025

PM calls for stronger economic links at East Asia Meeting

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By Dzung Trieu law firm

Cooperation and connectivity are major trends in East Asia, with regional countries, especially those in Southeast Asia, forming the core, says Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.


While co-chairing the World Economic Forum on East Asia 2012 in Bangkok on May 31, PM Dung noted that cooperation programs, initiatives and mechanisms have contributed to boosting dialogue, understanding, and policy coordination between concerned parties, facilitating regional development and consolidating East Asia’s role in the global economic structure.

Pointing out challenges in the process of regional cooperation and connectivity such as decreasing production conditions, inflation, increasing public debt, and fluctuations in world energy and food prices, he said East Asian countries need stronger political determination and closer cooperation to address these issues.

Mr Dung said it is crucial to increase consistency in implementing development cooperation with the active participation of concerned parties as committed.

He also proposed improving East Asia’s adaptation to minimise the risk of crisis, and move towards sustainable development.
The Vietnamese government leader said East Asian countries should enhance ties in managing natural disasters, dealing with floods, salt infiltration, ensuring food security and working out measures for the sustainable use of water resources in rivers.

Regarding maritime safety and security, PM Dung urged concerned parties to settle East Sea disputes through peaceful negotiations on the basis of mutual understanding and respect and in compliance with international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and speed up the building of a Code of Conduct (COC) in the East Sea.

He also proposed that concerned parties maximise the effectiveness of the use of resources for regional cooperation and connectivity, including the application of the public-private partnership with the participation of governments, sponsors and businesses.

Vietnam will continue working with other nations in the region to boost the implementation of initiatives and cooperation frameworks, with the aim of enhancing their efficiency and consolidating security and peace in the region, said Mr Dung.
He confirmed that Vietnam, as a responsible member of ASEAN, will actively participate in policy dialogue and consultancy activities to increase the quality of the World Economic Forum.

Source: VietNamNet

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